I feel like bells should be ringing and lights should be flashing !!!! Winner !!!! Winner !!!! Winner !!!! Today I received my Gibbs 3 box from my most wonderful partner Tracy. I feel really special. Thank you Tracy. (Now I just need the postman to bring me back Tracy's box so that I can do more, add more, make it MORE, so that it compares in some small way to the wonderful treasures that I received today.
Well, no words are ever going to sufficiently express my thankfulness and admiration for all the hard work Tracy enclosed into this box , I think I'll let you see for yourselves- so, here we go!
1. One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure. How do you get get trash out of this? The tresure part I understand! Yummy!
2. What Was I Thinking. Guaranteed to inspire! Sorry about the photo I took 3 but the other two that were full on looked blurry.
3. Button It. Beautiful
4. Time Flies By. I felt pretty sure I was getting a clock, because we talked about it, and I must say that this one is so cute I will love having it in my craft room.
5. Not All That It Is Cracked Up To Be. Not cracked up at all, this is very special I collect tea sets.
"Well behaved women seldom make history." The box matches its soo cute! I understand she had some help from her daughter on this one. Thanks Tracy's daughter!
7. You're Such a Blockhead Charlie Brown! Nothing Charlie Brown about this! My appologies after I took the picture I figured out that the 's' is upside down. I love the colors and patterns on this. It came with a bonus box!
8. Share and Share Alike. I think these are so cute... If you go to tracy's blog http://tracyhensondrozd.blogspot.com/ and see her craftroom pictures you will see she has a rainbow of jars on her shelf, which looks wonderful, I might add, now she has given me my own little rainbo! Thanks again Tracy!