Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Gibbs Round 3 Box From Tracy

I feel like bells should be ringing and lights should be flashing !!!! Winner !!!! Winner !!!! Winner !!!! Today I received my Gibbs 3 box from my most wonderful partner Tracy. I feel really special. Thank you Tracy. (Now I just need the postman to bring me back Tracy's box so that I can do more, add more, make it MORE, so that it compares in some small way to the wonderful treasures that I received today.
Well, no words are ever going to sufficiently express my thankfulness and admiration for all the hard work Tracy enclosed into this box , I think I'll let you see for yourselves- so, here we go!

1. One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure. How do you get get trash out of this? The tresure part I understand! Yummy!

2. What Was I Thinking. Guaranteed to inspire! Sorry about the photo I took 3 but the other two that were full on looked blurry.

3. Button It. Beautiful

4. Time Flies By. I felt pretty sure I was getting a clock, because we talked about it, and I must say that this one is so cute I will love having it in my craft room.

5. Not All That It Is Cracked Up To Be. Not cracked up at all, this is very special I collect tea sets.

6. All Blinged Up and No Place to Go- It'll go places let me tell you!

"Well behaved women seldom make history." The box matches its soo cute! I understand she had some help from her daughter on this one. Thanks Tracy's daughter!

7. You're Such a Blockhead Charlie Brown! Nothing Charlie Brown about this! My appologies after I took the picture I figured out that the 's' is upside down. I love the colors and patterns on this. It came with a bonus box!

8. Share and Share Alike. I think these are so cute... If you go to tracy's blog and see her craftroom pictures you will see she has a rainbow of jars on her shelf, which looks wonderful, I might add, now she has given me my own little rainbo! Thanks again Tracy!

They were all in this cute container. I got the whole spectrum of colors.

9. The Flowers of Tomorrow are in the Seeds of Yesterday. The yellow and black look so good together, each pocket has two tags!

It closes like a book of matches.

Some how lost a picture here, but was able to add it to the post but at the top.
10. Put your Big Girl Panties On. Oooh la la love it.

11. I Don't Need No Stinkin' Paper

Full of beautiful felt flowers

12. GIBBERS Do It Old Tool Style

Well, as you can see she out did herself! Thank you, Tracy.


  1. Rosie, I am so glad you like everything! I have so loved making all these things for you! Enjoy!

  2. Oh my gosh everything is fabulous. Tracy did such a great job on you box. I just love everything.
